Thursday, July 08, 2004

Farenheit 911 - A Movie By A Fat Meaty Breasted Little Zilch.

Michael Moore. Yeah, what a waste of human life. Farenheit 9/11 is nothing more than propaganda. This movie isn't anti-Bush, it's anti-America. It's obvious from the contents within that Michael Moore hates his country and all of it's inhabitants.

The clip from the trailer that has George W. Bush speaking about taking out your enemies... "BLAH BLAH BLAH - Now watch this Drive." Was actually not referring to Al-Queda but problems existing in Pakistan. But if you are a Michael Moore disciple, you'd think it was about Al-Queda because Moore himself said so.

The Liberal media keeps calling this film, loaded with creative license, a documentary. They even have people in other countries calling it that. But see, a documentary is fact based and Farenheit 9/11 is loaded with fiction. From the fictional Al-Queda quote from above to the debated "7 minutes" in the Florida School room, this film is nothing more than a left wing wet dream.

It does prove that if you put something on a movie screen, get a few people to utter "documentary" and soon people decide it's gospel.

"Moore is unapologetic about the tone and timbre of 'Fahrenheit,' calling it an 'op-ed' piece rather than a documentary. The point he makes best, however, is that if the Bush administration was free to exaggerate its claims about weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussein’s supposed connection to 9-11, as a filmmaker he should get a chance to do the same in reverse."

Hey, Bush is no Saint. He stole over-time pay from the lower class blue-collars. But if we're going to just make up facts - then maybe I should make a film as well about how John Kerry blew up thousands of school Children in Vietnam... That's not true either, but if I can get a few people to utter "documentary" maybe it will become true...

Monday, July 05, 2004

Sheer Ignorance Is NOT a New Style Of Panty Hose.

Stupidity comes in droves. The walking undead. The societal breakdown because people can't be bothered and figure ignorance is always a good copout. An example?

Well, traffic always works. There's this intersection near by that has an obvious left turn only lane. When painted, no one ignores it. One or two people may get the deer in the headlights look, but most people appear to be observant. But the paint is faded, the sign really only says "Left Turn Signal"...

So a few people park in the lane and the light turns green. They don't move. The traffic behind them gets irritated and honks their horn because the idiot in the Green Suburban is going straight.

This same moron has been commuting through this town for 10 years. He's always known that lane was strictly for a left turn. Today, he's in a hurry and he notices the paint is gone indicating the left turn only clause. Traffic is a good 50 yards back, so he jumps into the left lane with one goal: To cut out a bunch of traffic and make better time home from work. If he's stopped by a police officer, he can just claim he didn't know.

This is just an example of how people are becoming more and more self centered. Sure, traffic is an easy example but you can spot this kind of mentality everywhere. In the store, at the amusement park, at the car show. People using ignorance as an excuse to do what normally is simply un-acceptable.