Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Man Shoots Bear, Liberals Take Guns.

"PALMER, Mass. - A homeowner fatally shot a 300-pound bear who first made off with bird seed from a porch, eluded police, then returned and tried to enter the front door.

"The bear was coming right at me," Allan Jurkowski told the Republican of Springfield. "It was terrorizing my front porch. ... I couldn't take it anymore."
Jurkowski, who fired four rounds Sunday night from his shotgun into the male bear, said he felt bad but feared the bear returned for his Chihuahuas or for him and his wife. "

And today, they took his guns and license away and also fined him for discharging a fire arm within X amount of feet of a residence.

You want to know something? If an animal invades my property, knocking down bird feeders, eating my cats, and threatening my family, he gets a bullet in the head and I serve him up at the next big family meal. Further, no Liberal is taking my guns OR my license. Consider yourself lucky I bother to get a license because I don't believe in your gun laws - criminals are still able to get weapons by the crate full.