Friday, January 16, 2004

Ebay And Why It Sucks

I know, I know. "But I like Ebay." Well, you can thank the cheating losers for this entry of hostility.

Ebay was originally founded as a cheap way to buy that item you just can't afford to shell out the $1000.00 for. Make your bid, wait and see if you've won. Except now it's not that easy. Little thick framed glasses wearing pieces of shite have taken this joy away from you.

With the invention of programs like "Sniper" (courtesy of dateless hackers), you can now spend your time doing other productive things, because, you just flat aren't winning anything on Ebay. I spent 28 minutes watching an item for someone and bidded in the last 20 seconds only to find I had been outbidded by 1 measly dollar.

Now I realize that a sound rack is a big item you just have to win, and God knows, getting that bid in within the last 10 seconds so you don't get outbid on an item that is a dime and dozen throughout the internet is vastly important, but gimmie a break.

Get a date and Kiss a girl for crying out loud. You are a loser if you need Software to bid on Ebay.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Blog Page Moving Soon

.12 Gauge will soon be moving! Yes, that's part of the reason updates have gone right into the toilet. The other is my ridiculous scehdule. For those of you curious HOW ridiculous, you may go to Point Blank and read all about it. The old link is Here.
So until then, keep tuned in. I promise to write something soon. -Vince