Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Claire McNamara Needs To Dissapear.

(CBS4) LANCASTER The widow of a volunteer Lancaster firefighter might sue several towns that responded to the fire in which her husband was killed.

Claire McNamara has notified six communities she may go ahead with wrongful death suits.

McNamara previously led a successful fight to get death benefits for families of volunteer firefighters in Massachusetts.

Martin McNamara was killed fighting a fire in Lancaster in November 2003. But his family was not allowed to collect death benefits, because he was a volunteer. Town voters then rejected a tax override that would have given Claire McNamara and her family an annuity.

With help from Governor Romney, she took her fight statewide. Last month, he signed a law which gave them a $650,000 annuity and guarantees death benefits to families of volunteer firefighters.

Lancaster was reportedly one of the towns being eyed as possible targets of a wrongful death lawsuit. But Claire McNamara’s lawyer said workers compensation laws prohibit that because her husband was a town employee.

Some residents are upset by talk of a suit because they worked hard to obtain benefits for McNamara's family.

Only now:
Lawyer says town of Lancaster can't be sued

WPRI Fox 12 LANCASTER, Mass. The town of Lancaster cannot be sued if the widow of a firefighter pursues wrongful death suits.

Right smack dab in the middle of this obvious money grabbing scheme, Claire forgot how firefighters came from not just from around the area, but around the nation when her heroic husband perished in the fire that fateful night in 2003. Claire has used this tradgedy as a get rich scheme and caused a good town with good people to have it's name drug through dirt.

Last year, Boston Rock affiliate WAAF, responding to news reports - sorry - half assed and poorly reasearched LIBERAL PROPAGANDA - bombarded the town of Lancaster with hate riddled rhetoric and sent one Mistress Carrie (not even 1/10th as badass as our own Mistress Lisa) to raise money for the already quite comfortable Claire McNamara who refuses to disclose the total dollar amount she has received both in public and private donations. The arguement from Mistress Carrie was, "He was a firefighter, you should worship him and his wife because of it." Shut up you mindless bitch, do some research on the town bio next time.

Here it is: Lancaster is roughly 50% tax exempt. Between a college in town plus all of the property they own, and the large number of churches in town, the slack is expected to be picked up the other 50% who own real estate and land. Every year the town has a crisis in the budget and pushes proposition 2 1/2 override. Sometimes people vote for it, sometimes against.

When Claire's situation came to the board, and they put it up for a vote rather than taking the responsibility for the decision for themselves, they put everyone in an awkward position. The next day, the papers all read headlines similar to: "Lancaster to McNamara Widow: Go to Hell", "REJECTED", "Not This Time, Bitch!", among other hateful and totally false headlines. What happened?

Well, they had just passed another Prop 2.5, property tax has also been raised, people were paying through the nose. This was just one more thing. You can only tax people so much before they run out of money, and, contrary to popular belief, Lancaster is not inhabited by the wealthy. The petty cash fund had run dry for most citizens. Between the fact that Claire wouldn't state how much money had been donated to her and her family and town politics that are quite unlike anything else anywhere, people had a foul taste in their mouth and felt they were being scammed.

Now this week, they get notice. Firefighters in 6 towns were bitch slapped by Claire. People who bent over backwards the Christmas of Marty's death, pouring heaps of gifts and contributions onto the McNamara kids so they could have a merry Christmas despite the grief have now all been slapped by a woman who is again and again proving she is selfish and a gold digging piece of filth.

Her Lawyer tried to divert blame to himself, being a lawyer he is used to it, but everyone sees through this. Even Claire's own family are asking themselves, "Why is she doing this?!" Why indeed.

Tune into Rant Radio Thursday, for I will take her Lawyer to the mat. The time has come for the good people of Lancaster to stop being crapped on by this ingrateful woman.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Miracle Of Christmas.

Last year, organizations from the ACLU to the likes of Macy's tried to destroy Christmas. They banned Christmas programming, disallowed the "offensive" wishing of "Merry Christmas", and kicked the Salvation Army bell ringers from certain shopping centers as now even Santa Claus has been deemed offensive as he does not visit Pagan, Jewish, Atheist, Agnostic or Muslim Households (these are the actual reasons cited).

The problem is, Christmas is not under government control. It is not under the control of any man on this planet. Rather, the miracle of Christmas is a miracle because it is God's reminder to us of a promise made by him through his son, Jesus Christ. As such, it cannot be negated, cancelled, or otherwise controlled by ANY group or organization. What is the miracle of Christmas?

It is when a runaway child returns home on the holidays yearning for her parents' love. It is when people give freely to charities for some unknown reason. It is when a homeless person, through the kindness of a "good Samaritan" gets a new lease on life with the help of a job corp, some new clothes, and a place to stay because someone gave money that wound up creating such a miracle. It is when a Church visits the elderly who might otherwise be spending Christmas alone because family has passed.

The miracle of Christmas is the working of God himself. No one can take away any act of God.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

I Mean, Come On...

Can someone explain why we are all up in arms about a Runaway Bride? And I mean a GOOD answer? While we have Racists protesting a Holocaust memorial in Boston, a free-for-all at the Mexico boarder, and Liberals saying parents have no right to know if their 13 year old daughter is getting an abortion, the media wants to worry about a runaway bride?

I realize that this country is really fascinated with everyone else's business and can't keep out noses out of it all, but in the grand scheme of things, a runaway bride is the least of our problems. Who cares? She got cold feet, she was NOT the reason a missing person investigation was launched (her rich father did that one), and she didn't murder anyone.

She got scared when she saw her face on the 6:00 news. Hell, I would too. Don't think I'd say I was abducted by anyone unless I could come up with something really good like, "...I was abducted by 3 Swiss business men and taken on board a Japanese submarine in Lake Michigan..."

I don't care what this girl did. Not my problem. I'm more concerned with Liberal pinheads deciding I'm not in charge of my kid anymore...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Free State Project

The rebellion against Stalin-Esque Government Begins! Ironically, there is something (supposidly) in our Constitution that prohibits the over-throwing of government. So change it. I suppose there might be a fine line in there, but really, do you just let government do exactly what our fore-fathers DIDN'T want, and become a super-power?

The problem with the view on the Libertarian ideal is that most people napped through U.S. History and forgot that our country was raised on the principal of a free society with limited government and think we (the Libertarians) are all on crack...

The Democrats and Republicans alike view this as a major threat because the Republicans will no longer get rich, and the Democrats will no longer become powerful...

The way our forefathers intended it.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Bogus Phone Company.

10 a day. That's what shows up on the caller ID. 10 "UNAVAILABLE" numbers a fricken' day. So I put in a call to the phone company and they tell me the number can't be traced, sorry... However, a call to the police suggests something entirely different. They say the number CAN be traced...

Well, after thinking about it long and hard, I decide that the phone company is giving me lip service and here's why. Whoever placed that call, whether through a machine or a human being (because when I answer the call, I get hung up on), gets billed for it. So someone in the system knows who it is.

If the person who placed that call had used it to make a hit go down, you know they would find him and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and the phone company would do "everything in their power to trace the call" or some well written statement to the public.

So let me get this straight, my privacy means JACK?! Here's my bigger issue. The 10 hang-ups a day don't bother me nearly as much as the privacy issue. I mean, someone can just make the number un-available and because Verizon is un-cooperative, I can't find out who they are.

Ok, high and mighty FCC, how about you make a new guideline that says ALL NUMBERS MUST POST ON ALL CALLER ID SYSTEMS! Instead of going after Floridian shock-jocks with the fervor of a horny 15 year old boy, why don't you do something about all the criminals in the telemarketing industry?

Or maybe it hasn't struck you that this "PRIVATE NAME / PRIVATE NUMBER" / "UNAVAILABLE" option we have out there could be used to abduct a poor little girl, rape her in a back ally and leave her for dead in a shallow grave somewhere in Yellowstone National Park. Then, NEVER FIND THE GUY because SELLING SOMETHING was more important than someone's life.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

False Metal II

Man am I sick of snot nosed little brats trying to tell me how brilliant Nu-Metal is. Now they've decided Nu-Metal is an offensive term, so they want to call it Mallcore. Please. Give me a break or just drop dead.

To a teenager, everyone is wrong but him or her. I keep seeing this dumb arguement that Metal has always been experimental and therefore, Mallcore. Yeah, just don't crank Nightwish around me, Tarjan is a wuss because she's a Soprano. If it ain't screaming, it ain't REAL metal. This coming from kids who think Fred Durst is talented. I think I'm gonna puke.

I realize, yeah, their kids, and they really are dumb as a brick. Wouldn't know real talent if Tobias Sammet came and bashed them in the face with a shovel. Follow the crowd. Let radio dictate what your music collection looks like. I can't stand this. This is the product of the RIAA. Zombie youth who let "Scorch" from KZLL the ROCK of wherever tell them what music is cool.

Since I can't fathom kids right now because of their close-minded attitude, I will simply post these lyrics from "King Of Fools", because this song is SO about all of you.

"You feel at ease as you flock with the masses
What do you see with your heads in their asses
Keep on railing at what I believe Call me insane
and I am proud to be
And walk the wicked way..."