Sunday, January 23, 2005

False Metal II

Man am I sick of snot nosed little brats trying to tell me how brilliant Nu-Metal is. Now they've decided Nu-Metal is an offensive term, so they want to call it Mallcore. Please. Give me a break or just drop dead.

To a teenager, everyone is wrong but him or her. I keep seeing this dumb arguement that Metal has always been experimental and therefore, Mallcore. Yeah, just don't crank Nightwish around me, Tarjan is a wuss because she's a Soprano. If it ain't screaming, it ain't REAL metal. This coming from kids who think Fred Durst is talented. I think I'm gonna puke.

I realize, yeah, their kids, and they really are dumb as a brick. Wouldn't know real talent if Tobias Sammet came and bashed them in the face with a shovel. Follow the crowd. Let radio dictate what your music collection looks like. I can't stand this. This is the product of the RIAA. Zombie youth who let "Scorch" from KZLL the ROCK of wherever tell them what music is cool.

Since I can't fathom kids right now because of their close-minded attitude, I will simply post these lyrics from "King Of Fools", because this song is SO about all of you.

"You feel at ease as you flock with the masses
What do you see with your heads in their asses
Keep on railing at what I believe Call me insane
and I am proud to be
And walk the wicked way..."


Woolfey said...

You know having kids can kill or cure you. I have one son who has been in a couple bands. who pretty much feels the way you do. I have another, who hates the radio music more than hardly anyone else I know. And a daughter who "Likes everything" .
Mallcore is a new one on me.. but it makes sense if you let the RIAA and all the rest of them guide you around by your nose piercing. I was never a big fan of the stuff of my youth. One of my least favorites is the sainted Beatles, mostly because of the industry push they got.If someone spends that much time telling you how good something is, you can bet there is a reason that it has to be. You can call it promotion or something else. Funny, now people see it for what it is mostly. Soon as they get over puberty.
I wonder if folks will remember Sully or Fred Durst, like they do Elvis or (*shudder* John Lennon)when they are like 27??
There is great music out there now being distributed on the interwebthingy (Thanks Viki, for the technical term) by folks who are really talented , and also by folks who wouldn't have a chance by any other means. The difference now is, you have to look. I don't listen much to the radio anymore, except for the talk guys. Don't have a good one in my living space anymore. But I have a pile of seedy's in my space.. That I have bought at live venues, and over the interthinger. The only folks pitching the stuff I have now are the artists themselves, and satisfied fans. I'll probably never hear any of it on the radio.
Some of the funniest stuff I get to read now I find on boards that are supposed to support unsigned bands, Like Eminem or slipshod.. Well as long as you resist "Manufactured pop" I guess it's all good...