Sunday, December 12, 2004

Yuppie Filth II: Blatant Selfishness

Hey, Happy Holidays! Right? Nope, not with this bunch of socialist pigs. The attitudes of the upper middle class never fails to irk me. I mean, where does this bunch get off? Even during the Christmas Season, they manage to project their blatant selfish attitude.

The obvious are the anti-religious zealots. Its not enough to demand we keep God completely out of schools - to the point of making kids who want to gather around the flag poll for a morning prayer on behalf of the country stop their activities because it might offend someone - but now they have to push their politically correct agenda on us all. Yeah, that works, let's negotiate with Osama Bin Laden because it's politically incorrect to go to war... You morons...

Now they want me to discontinue displaying anything that has to do with the Christmas Holiday as it was originally intended, as a celebration of the birth of Christ. With fists clenched they scream, "Take down that Nativity Scene! It's offensive!" No, you jackass, it's offensive if I replace the wisemen with Porn Stars.

I can't take this PC garbage. These people are insanely out of touch with reality. Political Correctness has nothing to do with baby Jesus. Rather we are reaching a place the bible predicted: 2 Timothy 3:2-4 "2As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, 3dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, 4treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. "

Oh, I know... "Vince, this sounds like preaching..." Guess what, it is. Take the two sides and measure them and then consider this: If every human on the planet used the bible as his rule book and followed it to the t, there would be no war, famine, hate, selfishness and arrogance... In a nutshell, perfection...

Now consider Politcal Correctness... It tells you to throw common sense out the window and decide that everything can be handled in a non-offensive procedure and everyone will be happy tra-la-la-la-la. It suggests that anyone who believes in a religion is a hate-monger and in-tolerant. It further suggests that everyone is entitled to something... Political Correctness means teachers send students home at Christmas because they wore a red and green combination and it might offend a classmate. Not that a 12 year old considered it... Political Correctness demands you remove candy canes from the classroom Christmas Tree because Red Stands for the blood of Christ, White stands for his purity, and the cane shape simultaneously means J for Jesus and represents a shepherds crook and therefore offensive to people who aren't Christian...

Does the latter strike you as a bit overboard? But I'm the zealot because I just quoted 2 Timothy 3:2-4...


Woolfey said...
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Woolfey said...

Some of us get really depressed when this season approaches... the first snow falls and you feel like your mom died... It's bad enough that as a homeless person, you might be in someone's house temporarily but your stuff that you can't afford to pay storage for lives outside... Used to be that this time of the year you could be constantly reminded of Christ... Occasionally hear of a "feel good heartwarming story" that would remind you of the season... But now you are bombarded by folks rushing to get presents for relatives and "Friends" and Heaven (oops) help you if you get in some of these celebrants way.. you'll find out in a heartbeat how "christ like" they are... at least get your vocabulary enhanced...
It isn't any surprise that the PC crowd doesn't want any display of a Christian sort ... Most people get tired of having their shortcomings pointed out constantly... First we had this crowd adding separate holidays for people who felt left out... NOW we are being told that even those are not correct...
I think Scrooge would have been embarrassed by these people... At least he kept his to himself... not giving to anyone... the new crowd still doesn't wanna give anything to the unwashed ... unless they take it from someone else first... then add their own tax deductible token on top .. then whine cause tax cuts are for the rich....
"Preachin"?? I think more is nessessary... But the way the PC crowd has raised their future problems for the rest of us... these folks would see their way clear to offering capital punishment for being a "preacher" and coddling murderers and thieves... a few years I would have thought this was exessive... Untill I watched a church property burn on TV after a series of stories in the parade sections of newspapers proclaimed these people nut jobs who molested their kids and kept guns...
The scary part, is the PC crowd is the same bunch who want to have healing after the last elections... They were the folks who were the most caustic during the elections... they lost to a clear... not large but clear majority and now complain about the "Best and Brightest" as a bunch of brain dead Jesus freaks... It has been mentioned before that the most zealous are the ones who deny a real religion... Well they have the most to lose and put most of their efforts into denying it...
How many times have you heard from really well educated folks that religions are responsible for the biggest crimes against humanity???? It's probably true ... this new crowd of pc creeps worships money more than the most devout baptist or muslim practises his or her faith... and by gathering money they have the ear of the powerful... inside or outside of politics... and somehow these folks political action committees and Pressure groups are revered ... while the ones based on any sort of morality are constantly reviled... I really think its time for these folks to Move on,,, Buy a piece of another country based on their warped sense of correctness ( maybe they could annex China, or get a piece of the old Soviet Union ) and let the majority here go back to a place where you had neighbors and real organizations to help the less fortunate instead of gummint agencies who want to just throw someone else's money at the problems and get these folks sedated and out of the way... I'm sure they could get the UN to protect them... there is NO corruption there... Then they wouldn't need an army and since they are so morally superior they wouldn't even need unarmed police... they could build a utopia you could only enter if you worshipped their god of cash... and probably find a charismatic leader who can trace his lineage back to Rome... Uh... oops sorry... That wouldn't be PC now would it....

Any how ... Merry Christmas.. Happy Hanukkah .. And all the rest...