Monday, August 04, 2003

Molly Bish Laid To Rest - 1983 - 2000

You know, there's tons of things making me angry today that I could rant about. But I was completely disarmed when I sat down at the computer this morning when I found items from the Molly Bish memorial service Sunday.

It yanked at my heart, and begged me to say something. And, what kind of person would I be if I did not fill my obligation as "the voice of those who cannot and will not speak,"? (Political Cataclysm).

God has emblazened the face of this young girl on my heart and I would be lying if I didn't admit that her face will haunt me until the day I die. I know so many kids in her age group and would be mortified if some spineless coward did anything to any of them. What happened to Molly is in-tolerable.

I read the button that was handed out and it nearly brought me to tears: "Found but forever missed." The only reason I am anywhere near this case at all is that WTAG is close to the case, and being an intern, I read every last word that comes in about Molly and her family.

We need to remember that we are responsible to defend our kids.

As such, I'm weilding a sniper rifle (figuratively speaking) with a 500 yard scope on it and I'm pointing it straight between the eyes of any demon who wants to hurt one of God's children.

I'm not sure what I will be called to do, or even if I will be called to action in this war against horrid people who rape and murder kids, but I am open to helping. One thing's for sure. We cannot stand by and let another Molly Bish endure what Molly herself endured.

So, today's blog, just a little remembrance for Molly. As George Bush would say, "Let's Roll." That's damn right.

This one's for you, Molly. -Vince