Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Media May Be Causing Rise In Child Abductions / Rapes

Oh sure. We can blame all the NAMBLA like organizations, but did you ever consider that maybe the media might be contributing to the cause? Think about it. What didn't you know about either Molly Bish's or Elizabeth Smart's abduction? You knew when and where both were abducted, how the abducter did it, and how exactly he did it.

Why? News coverage. Panels and panels of experts detailing every inch of the event - and for what? A ratings pop, of course. If the news media gives a crap about kids and what happens, they would simply state the name, post a picture and activate "Amber Alert."

Instead, we could all probably all orchestrate our own abduction if we paid attention.

Mr. Creepy isn't necessarily Mr. Insane. It doesn't always work that way. First of all, often on internet cases, a 40 something man will "befriend" a 13 year old girl. Once he gains her trust through a series of online meetings , they meet in person. Say, at a mall or something. After a few times of this, he may suggest he help the already confused young teenage girl who can't seem to approach adulthood fast enough that he "help her into womanhood." Naturally, this means she have sex for the first time. And who better than an older man who knows how to "get her through it."

These men study news stories about cops carousing the internet as 14 year old girls, and sadly, many of them know how to weed out a cop. The media doesn't help with all the information about child abduction cases it gives out. And it's misleading to think that all cases are abductions. Some are "consensual" situations where the child actually is lead to believe this is a good thing for them and agrees to it. A child may be statutorily raped for years and never abducted.