Thursday, September 11, 2003

"Patriot Act" Sucks

Before you read on, educate yourself if you're not familiar by following these links (warning, there is a lot to read!)

Official "Patriot Act" Draft

How The "Patriot Act" Could Effect You

I hate this. The idiot who drafted this up should call it "The Invasion Of Privacy Act". Because of this, we are one step closer to big brother. This is so anti-American, it scares me.

The other night a member of the media was interviewing a supporter of this bill. Yet he failed to answer any questions directly. Instead, all the viewer got was copout after copout. And what most people don't seem to realize is this is already law! (Check MSNBC link for that one.)

Don't be fooled, this clever little piece of paper was already written in one form or another way before September 11th. What the nasty little beasts who support it don't tell you, is they just didn't have a way for it to get approved. September 11th changed all of that.

An invasion of privacy must being taken in little steps. A dictator can't just start spying on people before he even takes power. He has to do it in bits in advance. And this is how it starts. One small law that gives the illusion of safety, and then a little more and a little more.

Why is it the people who stand up to change the world, and I mean, get up off of their asses to change something they don't like, are always evil masterminds such as Adolph Hitler?

This is what happens when you sit on your ass and let other people make your decisions for you. You wind up like the third world countries across the planet. Ruled by an evil dictator who craps on you every chance he gets.

Dammit America, do something. Get off your ass. I'm sick of being the only one.