Thursday, October 02, 2003

Enough Already, Nuke Them.

Today I'm citing this article from MSNBC News.

I'm not sure if it's just that North Korea feels they aren't garnering enough attention from the US or if they feel they are important enough to necessitate the kind of attention they seem to be trying to get. In any case, I will say what I thousands of Americans are thinking. Bomb 'em. Level the country, and turn it into a parking lot.

Now all the leftist kumbiya - la - la - la morons who protest every five minutes, will stand up and say, "No, because if we start dropping nukes, they start dropping nukes and then the planet will be decimated." Wrong. What will happen if we drop a nuke and annihilate a population of people is everyone will back off for another 50 to 60 years and refer to us as the sleeping giant you don't want to wake.

The problem is that this country has allowed the Liberal idea of politically correctness to run rampant so that even war has to be politically correct. The only problem with this is that war cannot be politically correct. It's war. It isn't pretty. Angry, stupid, power-hungry people do violent things and you have to step up to the plate, grow a pair, and stop them. And this cannot be done if we are running around under the veil of Liberal ideas.

Someone needs to stand up and tell the Liberals to sit down, shut up, and watch how the game is sucessfully played. We didn't get where we are by playing cute little mind games. And we won't continue to be a force to be reckoned with if we allow this small minded, neandrathal system to continue to convert us.


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