Friday, February 10, 2006

The Far Left and the Great Hijacking

When a left wing talk show host goes on the air and denounces the actions of his own party, you know damn well there is an issue. When speaker after speaker uses a historical woman's memorial service to have a Bush roast, you can no longer have any doubt, the true Democrats have had their party hijacked.

This is beyond a matter of a few vocal minorities causing us all to roll our eyes in disbelief. This has escalated into a full-on "let the rise of communism begin" pep-rally. Hey, everyone knows I am a Libertarian and don't exactly think Bush is sitting in the White House splitting atoms, but no moron in this country has the right to do what is being done to ANY sitting president.

Further, I am sick of agenda. It's everywhere. It's on the sitcoms. It's in the movies. I can't go anywhere without being told I should embrace the gay lifestyle and welcome them to church family while understanding the selfish desires of Liberal women who want to slaughter the unborn just because they have a right to be complete sluts.

Yes, it's true. The Democrats have been hijacked.