Thursday, January 25, 2007

Global Warming - Not Just A Political Trend - But Biblical.

So Rush was on his show today yucking it up over the idea of Global Warming, as many repuklicans do. He eluded to a moronic Liberal report that suggests Global Warming is a contributing factor to terrorism. That Osama Bin Laden says another reason America must be judged is because we are the chief contributors to Global Warming. Osama cited our outright disinterest in the Kyoto treaty as proof we simply don't give a damn. For that I submit the following:

As you see the facts clearly state the United States voted Unanimously to not ratify the treaty - both sides of the aisle. And the 2nd biggest contributor - China - was exempt from the treaty. Does Osama have the nerve to attack them? No. They will flatten Islam and Islam knows it. It's easier to join the rest of the World in attacking the biggest super power because that's what this is really about.

Global warming may be cited as being an issue of the left, but the fact is, it's biblical. Dr. Carl Baugh from creation evidences says: "Someone wound this thing up. And I know that who ever wound this thing up doesn't come back and wind it up again, we are in trouble." (Paraphrased from an exact quote).

The natural progression of man leads us to the return of Christ. It's just the way it is. The oceans will melt, weather will continue to get more violent, volcanic activity will be on the increase, and so will earthquakes. Anyone who denies Global Warming in the face of all of this hasn't read the bible. It's sad to say, the bible agrees with Al Gore.

Just think of this, the threat of the planet becoming un-inhabitable either through Global Warming, a freak asteroid or comet, or a number other of threats only preventable by a deity should lead you to hope: "Man, there better be a God."

Trust me, there is.