Friday, August 10, 2007

Battle Of Principles - NOW it Matters???

In the 1960's it was free love. People started saying, "Why do we need to be married? Lets just live together!" This co-inhabitance trend lasted through the 1980's, and people seemed to be content with the arrangements.

However, in the 1990's the gay agenda started rearing it's head and by the new millennium we had people demanding equal rights to married people including a marriage license.

It seems in America people take a contrarian viewpoint just to hear themselves yell. 20 years ago people didn't understand why having a marriage license was such a big deal, insisting it wasn't politically correct to insist they have one to begin with. Now a whole new demographic demands the exact opposite insisting it's politically incorrect to not allow them to do so.

I find this ironic and even a little pathetic. It seems that the M.O. here is if it flies in the face of faith, do it! So this begs the question, if I believe in a myth, why is it then that the whole world tries to figure out ways to get in my kill zone? If Jesus was a fraud and there is no God, why do non-believers spend so much time trying to do what they are convinced opposes me?

Here's some cud to chew on, folks. I am not for legislating your morality. I believe that marriage is a sacrament holy unto God and between him, a man, and a woman. Because it's his creation, this means - according to Amendment 1 - which the left loves to quote - the feds should stay the hell out of it. If government is involved in the relationship of two private citizens at all, it should be through a justice of the peace and for both straights and gays called a "civil union". If you don't feel the need to commit enough before God, don't bother knocking on the local church door. Yes, this leaves gays at the doorstep as God makes it clear a man should not have sex with a man, or if you want to go "new" school:

1Co 6:9-10 Don't you know that wicked people won't inherit the kingdom of God? Stop deceiving yourselves! People who continue to commit sexual sins, who worship false gods, those who commit adultery, homosexuals, or thieves, those who are greedy or drunk, who use abusive language, or who rob people will not inherit the kingdom of God.

So since God has spoken through the apostle Paul and made it clear in both testaments that he's not pleased with homosexual sin, the church has no obligation to marry them. The church does have an obligation to witness to these people in and not in arrogance and self righteousness. E.G.: "You filthy queer, come back when you are ready to give up your sin on my terms." This is an idea who's time has come.

Does marriage suddenly matter? Only on issues that people think slap God - and really - they don't.