Friday, September 21, 2007

PETA - Missing the The Point

I will reserve all the typical P.E.T.A. acronyms for another time, because as of right now, I have bigger fish to fry.

People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals. Be a vegetarian. Don't eat steak, or chicken, or - well meat. In shorter terms, deny your primal instinct as a carnivore, and go on a veg-all diet. Fine, and some people do. This wouldn't be so mind-blowing if people from the same crowd weren't at the same time demanding free abortions for everyone.

Wait, let me see if I get this. Save the cow and the chicken, but kill the unborn baby. Seems to me that this group has nothing they actually stand for unless it just gets in anyone's face who might believe in God.

PETA are off in the woods, and I don't care how many chicks they convince to get naked, it won't matter. I will always eat a big fat juicy steak because I like meat. Yes, I am aware how slaughterhouses operate, and I would skin and kill my own game in the name of survival just so I don't have to make do with a bottled water and a granola bar - which would leave me largely anemic. Who the blazes wants to live like that??

I am aware, PETA itself may not have made a public stance on abortion, but the primary crowd they attract do demand abortion as a woman's right and to be freely available while advocating for poor defenseless animals. To me, that is flat hypocritical.

Sorry folks, but I can't take any advice from a crowd that in one breath tells me to save the cows and in the next demands I allow any woman have an abortion because she was too irresponsible to handle an adult decision herself. Live with the consequences and pass me the gravy.