Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ron Paul

I have to call all self-proclaimed Libertarians out on the mat. There is a lot of talk about Ron Paul (a Republican to begin with) being "the man for the job". The only problem is, he's not running anymore. People are just opting to write him in.

Now, anyone know reads this blog knows I am not for being bullied by the two-party system and voting for the same old thing again for the 100th year in a row. However, voting for someone who's not running is mindless, and as dumb as writing in Mickey Mouse.

If Libertarians cannot unite on a principle as basic as agreeing on our candidate, how do we expect the country to trust us to run "the big show"? There is no arguing that Ron Paul was a strong candidate. However, the fact is, he's not running. Bob Barr is.

We need to unite. We must unite. Stop giving your vote to a non-sequitur.


Woolfey said...
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Woolfey said...

There are a lot of BDF's who think that writing in Mickey Mouse or Pat Paulsen is a great move... Sort of like a Message vote. The thing these comedians must realize that it isn't a message if its not coherent... there are literally millions of votes castribated in states even like the one I'm incarcerated in ; MassiveChewShits...And there must be enough collatable votes to show a pattern. Even if you are so poisoned becaause Bob Barr was in the CIA and you think "Bush... Icky" because you are so brutally uninformed that you can't remember how the Clintons used the alphabets way more than the shrubbery has,, There is still Tom Millican, or John Bootie or Like the Kid says... Someone who could actually win... Chuck Baldwin of the third largest and fastest growing party: the constitution party... At least the constitution party's biggest "get out the vote scheme" isn't supporting an organization that makes the militia look responsible to the lamestream clueless citizenry...