Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Want My Daughter's Hand In Marriage? Let Me See Your Resume'

I'm still scratching my head on this one. Go to The Boston Herald for the full story.

This girl, Kimberly, is being whored off by her mother for making bad decisions on a boyfriend. That's the bottom line. And I don't mean for sex or cash, but I mean for 15 minutes of fame. Meanwhile, Donna Wood doesn't seem to want to accept the responsibility that maybe - just maybe - it's her fault her daughter can't bring home a guy who doesn't urinate on people's cars and spit loogies from sky scrapers hoping to kill someone with the velocity of his spit.

Now I realize I'm only speculating on this. But women are notorious for wanting to "tame the bad boy". Well, I'm willing to bet that if I asked my good friend Zion, who reads this column as religiously as a heavy metal star who has the f-bomb tatooed across each arm can, he would probably say you can't tame a bad boy. Or as he would probably describe himself, a sick, deranged, lunatic. Yet, women go out and find men they think represent this profile, try to tame them, usually pick someone with a long criminal record in the long run, and can't understand why he starts beating her with a lead pipe.

Whether the blame is on the mother or the daughter for this poor decision making, Donna should not be trying to capitalize on her daughter's misfortune. Education is key here, not how rich she can get in a short amount of time. And if this is what reality TV has spawned, I'm not suprised. Something magical happens when people see something on TV or hear something on the radio. Many of them believe it's a great idea, whatever it is. I really believe someone out there subjects his friends to be submerged in swimming pools full of maggots just because people do it on "Fear Factor". Tee-hee. Wow. We all had a chuckle when Steve was trying to kill his friend with a nearby rake.

**Writer's note: Lord Zion, of Spit Like This , Mentioned before in this column, is one of the most intelligent human beings I know, and I in no way meant to imply he's an ass. I do think he's dangerous. He has to be. He drives a Hearse.