Friday, October 24, 2003

Cracking Down On Illegal Immigrants

Read the latest Wal*Mart news At MSNBC.

Look, all of us know what a problem illegal immigration is. The fact that we have allowed it to get this bad is disturbing. I realize how bad some countries are and how poorly they treat their citizens. I further understand that the only way for them to free themselves is to make a run for it. However, this cannot be allowed anymore. In retrospect of 9/11/01, we need to tighten down loose bolts on the boarders and see to it people can't use the U.S. as their escape pod OR cross hairs.

Yet, in the recent madness in California, people actually raised the issue of rights for illegal immigrants. They wanted them to have such things as state licenses so they could drive, medical aide, and welfare benefits. Sorry, here's where I have to draw the line. I'm a citizen and when jobless, I get nothing. I can't get medical from the state of Massachusetts unless I have a kid, or a permanent disability. I never qualify for welfare, and I can barely get free care from UMASS Medical.

Yet, these potential threats waltz into the country crying about oppression, and possibly endangering us at times, and we just hand over benefits our own citizens can't even get? Has everyone lost their minds in this country? I can't imagine what group of politically correct tools conceived this notion but it solidifies my point: Politically correctness is destroying our country.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but, the Liberals are at fault for this whole mess, no matter how you slice it. They conceived the whole politically correct platform and this is the result. We can't even go to war without Liberal media asking stupid questions like, "Is it politically correct to tell an enemy, 'Surrender or be killed?'"

Such questions were asked when we invaded Afghanistan. Try and tell me this P.C. garbage isn't ruining this country.