Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Republican Survey.

This - fish wrap - came in my mailbox yesterday asking me to tell the Republican Party how I felt about their job and what changes I would recommend. Oddly, there was no section that would let me to suggest allowing a Libertarian run things for a while.

They asked questions about education, how I felt about Bush's dealings with Iraq, taxes, the economy. All that happy horse crap. The problem with the Republican agenda, as if everyone didn't know, is the fact that their pockets are filled by big business. Oddly, the same big business that has shipped a number of jobs to Toiletstan where they can pay the exploited people in that country about $4.00 a week instead of the paycheck an American Citizen gets.

If the Republicans won't stop these seedy CEO's who wipe their asses with one-hundred dollar bills from moving to India and other countries, then we need someone in office who will grow a pair, put the almighty U.S. foot down and say, "You can't do that. If you do, there will be no jobs, and hence, no one will have money to buy your blasted products." I know ONE party that would do that.

Can anyone say Libertarian?