Tuesday, November 04, 2003

RIAA Nabs Dangerous 12 Year Old Girl.

Complete Story.

With the RIAA going after individuals for music swapping as a desperation move, the latest development redefines the whole idea of desperation move. The RIAA went after a 12-year old girl for her music sharing habits, and managed to suck out $2000 on top of making her feel very sorry.

"I am sorry for what I have done," LaHara said. "I love music and don't want to hurt the artists I love."

The suit claimed LaHara had been offering more than 1,000 songs on the Internet, using the Kazaa file-sharing service.

The RIAA said it was pleased with the settlement. There are 260 cases still pending.

Ok, wait. Since when did your neice become a major fugitive of the law? Especially when she probably can't afford the lucritive price of a CD to begin with. The RIAA demonstrates here what a toilet of an organization it is. It's run by a bunch of Nazis who want to jail everyone who isn't buying a CD except they are allowed to rape the artists out of money, make failed bands go into bankruptcy, and pocket 80% of the profits themselves.

Instead some jackass judge decides a 12-year-old girl is more dangerous and immoral than the repulsive RIAA. We live in such an unjust society. How any judge can sit on his fat ass and justify a $2000.00 fine to someone who simply isn't old enough to pay it off, is beyond explanation. I hope he chokes on his Escargot. Jerk.